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Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business philosophy involving identifying, understanding and better providing for your customers while building a relationship with each customer to improve customer satisfaction and maximise profits. It's about understanding, anticipating and responding to customers' needs.
Customer relationship management (CRM) consists of the processes a company uses to track and organize its contacts with its current and prospective customers. CRM software is used to support these processes; information about customers and customer interactions can be entered, stored and accessed by employees in different company departments. Typical CRM goals are to improve services provided to customers, and to use customer contact information for targeted marketing.
While customer relationship management can be implemented without major investments in software, software is often necessary to explore the full benefits of a CRM strategy. However, most CRM software vendors stress that a successful effort requires a holistic approach. Many initiatives often fail because implementation was limited to software installation, without providing the context, support and understanding for employees to learn, and take full advantage of the information systems. Tools for customer relationship management should be implemented "only after a well-devised strategy and operational plan are put in place".
It is all about managing the associations you have with your customers which includes potential customers or the leads generated by the sales person. CRM combines everything to achieve this single goal: getting and maintaining satisfied customers. It's a general policy to help you learn more about your customers and their behavior so you can develop accordingly, forever relationships that will benefit both you and your customers. It's very hard to run a successful business without a strong focus on CRM. After all, it's all about the customer.
Unbeaten CRM involves a lot of special areas of your company, starting with sales, of course. But also various other customer-facing areas, like marketing and customer service. We offers a technology solution for all those areas. and more. With our CRM software, you can mind your customers and your budget at the same time.
Some features of our CRM application:
- Telecaller's efficiency increases
- Marketing made easier
- Account detail information in one go
- Overall revenue increases of the company
- Cost reduction is achieved on various parameters
- Better customer service is achieved with better info
- Companies can gain the competitive edge
- You can focus more on production
- 24x7 availability of essential customer data
- Satisfied customers
- Routine tasks are easier to handle
- Marketing and support expenses are reduced
- Sales teams can be effectively monitored
- Teamwork within the organization is achieved
- Communication channels are improved
- Customers have detailed profiles assigned to them
- Employees have access to customer details more easily
- New selling opportunities can be discovered
- Companies are enabled to be aware of customer needs and are able to react to them in the right manner
- CRM achieves an integrated internal business system
- CRM imposes welcome a much needed discipline within an organization
- CRM technology goes a long way in benefiting the organization itself
- Companies have easy access to purchase histories
- Automation of routine tasks becomes possible
- Companies can monitor their performances regularly